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Please contact us for more information regarding our engineers and producers.

Dave Trumfio


"Dave Trumfio did not just drop out of the sky and appear on the Los Angeles studio scene..."


Celso Estrada

Head Engineer

Celso is a recording engineer from Southern California. He grew up in the suburbs just outside of LA.


Jimmy Dixon

House Engineer

Jimmy is a producer, recording engineer and musician from Detroit, MI. 

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Rudyard Lee Cullers

Chief Engineer

Ruddy is an audio engineer / mixer / producer / musician who has worked with many top names in alternative, punk, electronic and pop music. 


Hope Brush

House Engineer

Hope Brush is a recording and mixing engineer based in Los Angeles who specializes in full band tracking, vocal engineering and production, and experimental recording techniques.


Ian Stahl

House Engineer

Ian Stahl is a recording engineer, producer and multi-instrumentalist based in Los Angeles.

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